deverium CEO, together with Fintech Poland and Women Go Tech, signs a strategic memorandum of understanding


FinTech Poland, Fintech Hub LT, represented by Erika Maslauskaite, a board member of FinTech Hub LT and CEO of deverium, and Women Go Tech signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)

This marks a significant step in fostering collaboration and stronger representation of Fintech companies’ interests in adopting EU legislation and narrowing the gender gap in the tech industry. It is also dedicated to sharing knowledge, experience, and enhancing processes for talent development and transfer in the technology sector. This agreement aims to deepen cooperation among organizations supporting innovation, in pursuit of building regional strength.

Signed on March 6th at the Embassy of Lithuania in Poland, the agreement accompanied a conference focusing on diversity and the role of women in the technology industry. The event, titled “Women Go Tech: Insights on Bridging the Gender Gap in the ICT Sector,” brought together leading experts and professionals from the sector, such as representatives of mBank. Vilnius, IT Card, FinTech Poland, Fintech Hub LT, and Vinted. 

“A mere 12% of global FinTech founders and co-founders are women. Overall, women make up only 34% of the workforce in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). Only by collectively challenging entrenched biases, we can lay the foundation for inclusive leadership where everyone has an opportunity to thrive. On a personal level, my career aspirations have always revolved around fostering diversity, inclusion, innovation, and embracing challenges. I am really pleased with the progress we have achieved in Lithuania thus far.

Erika Maslauskaite,  deverium Co-founder & CEO

Lorem ipsum

The conference’s keynote speaker Jarune Preiksaite, CEO of Women Go Tech, shared insights into the organization’s achievements over the past 8 years. During her presentation, Preiksaite highlighted successes such as retraining over 700 women for careers in the technology sector and uniting over 450 mentors to support women on their journeys to success.  The current goal of Women Go Tech is to support 25,000 women in the Central and Eastern European region. The conference also addressed key issues related to gender equality and diversity in the ICT sector, including the role of businesses in supporting diversity and business decisions that promote increased participation of women in the industry.

CEO of deverium Erika Maslauskaite, who served as a board member of Fintech Hub LT for the past two years, says it is crucial for the tech ecosystem and public sector actors to act together and actively support increased female participation in the industry.

“It is a privilege for us to have organized this important celebration of International Women’s Day and the vital role that women play in the fintech industry at the Lithuanian Embassy in Poland. The Lithuanian FinTech HUB, Fintech Poland Association, and Women Go Tech have signed collaboration and partnership agreements, demonstrating their commitment to supporting talent growth and diversity in the technology sector. This marks a significant advancement for regional cooperation as well as the upcoming 3SI Business Forum in Vilnius. Through collective efforts, we aim to facilitate knowledge sharing and enhance opportunities for advancement.“ 

Attaché for Commercial Affairs Tomas Pozlevic

Panel discussion: Making Diversity a Reality. It’s Challenging with moderator Krzysztof Gerlach mBank (from the right), Monika Laukaite Wix, Katarzyna Jedlinska Fintech Poland, Erika Maslauskaite deverium and Fintech HUB LT.

We are very pleased with the signed agreement. We believe that through joint efforts, we will be able to promote a diversity of talents in our regional tech industry. The exchange of experiences and continuous communication will enable us to actively engage in this field, and together, we will create new standards.  In Fintech Poland, we also believe in the importance of competencies and equal opportunities for development based on passions, interests, and accessibility. In Poland, the pay gap is not a relevant problem. Access to technology jobs is also open. What is a challenge is convincing women to try their chances in jobs other than those that are stereotypically considered to be more suitable for them” – comments Kasia Jedlińska from FinTech Poland. 

Katarzyna Jedlinska, Fintech Poland

Attaché for Commercial Affairs at the Embassy of the Republic Lithuania Tomas Pozlevic, Board Member at Fintech HUB LT and CEO at deverium Erika Maslauskaite, CEo at Women Go Tech Jarune Preiksaite, Head of Division at MFA of Lithuania Audrone Markeviciene,  Katarzyna Jedlinska Partner at Fintech Poland

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Our work would be nothing without the diverse, enriching tech and creative communities

CEO, Co-Founder

Erika, known as the champion of innovation and a curious strategist at heart, is a force to be reckoned with in the world of business development and digital transformation.In the past, Erika worked as an Executive & Board Member at major companies and startups in Tech, Fintech, Telco & Media industries, where she successfully led the Strategy & Business Development divisions. She has also co-founded the largest Innovation & Tech Festival in Baltics, LOGIN. Furthermore, she is an active member of the Lithuanian Tech community, serving as the ambassador of the WomenGoTech mentorship initiative and the board member of Fintech Hub LT.

Darius Liubinas


Darius is the IT transformation professional and self-described geek with a strong set of technical and interpersonal skills—a killer combination that has bolstered his success over the last ten years. Through years of international work experience, he has managed diverse teams and completed complex assignments in such areas as IT development, organizational change management, and big infrastructure and network development projects. Over his career of more than 15 years in telecommunications and Fintech industries, Darius has transformed big enterprise companies and led enormous business projects in Nordics and Europe. His sharp eye for detail and his dogged pursuit of the most efficient solutions possible have made him into thes keen and reliable tech industry leader that he is.

Edvardas Maslauskas

Head of Technology, Co-Founder

Edvardas is always ahead of the curve when it comes to delivering high-quality digital solutions and products. He has a vast knowledge of various technologies and platforms and a proven track record of leading complex enterprise-level mobile software development projects, while overseeing the whole SDLC process. In addition to his passion for all things tech, he also excels in leading teams, managing relationships, and supporting tech product development. He has led numerous multicultural teams developing products for Fintech companies in the area of AI and Machine learning , earning himself a well-deserved reputation as a mobile technology leader and the go-to person when it comes to digital transformation.