Flexible approaches to
handling your toughest

Our talented engineers and strategists are crafting custom digital products for Fintechs, marketplaces, and e-commerce startups.

Advanced Tech Stack

We have experts in all the latest tools, languages, and platforms, honed to deliver you custom results. Our multi-platform expertise means we can take creative approaches to development, prototyping, quality assurance, and automation testing.






Project Design and Management

We’re with you every step of the way — from concept to launch. We assess your objectives, your timeframe, and craft a roadmap to a solution. We are equipped to handle every aspect of your project — from management and leadership to coding, testing, and support.







Delivery and Support

Our partnership continues long after your app is launched. In some ways, delivery is just the beginning. With advanced test automation, our DevOps team keeps your systems not just up and running, but optimized for peak performance. Your customers rely on you, so you can rely on us.






Our process

A roadmap to what we can accomplish together


1 week


1 week


1 week


1 week


Sprint / Features


This is where we listen — to what is unique about your company, to the challenges you need to overcome, to what makes you tick. We uncover the key insights that steer the direction of your mobile web development journey, and ensure that every subsequent step is closely aligned with your vision.

This is where we begin to plot the way forward. We work with you to outline the functionalities, features, and design elements you envision for your mobile application. Through our discussions, we ensure that every aspect of your requirements is well documented and fully understood. This phase forms the foundation of our development process, guiding us toward the realization of your ideal mobile app or digital product.

This is where we transform your project’s requirements into a comprehensive plan. Drawing on the insights gathered during the discovery and requirements gathering phases, we craft a detailed proposal that outlines the scope, timeline, and cost of your project. Our proposal serves as a roadmap, allowing you to visualize the entire development journey and make informed decisions.

This is where things really get going — technically speaking. Our experts design a robust and scalable framework that will form the backbone of your application. This phase involves crucial decisions on technology stack, data flow, and system integration. Once the architecture is in place, we officially kick-off the project, and our teams join forces to make our detailed plan a reality.

This is where we get down to the details — the ones and zeroes. With our architectural framework in hand, we embark on the coding and programming part of things. Through iterative development and tight feedback loops, we develop your app according to the highest standards and industry best practices. But this isn’t just coloring in the lines: our agility allows us to accommodate any changes that may be needed along the way.

Our process

A roadmap to what we can accomplish together


1 week


1 week


1 week


1 week


Sprint / Features


This is where we listen — to what is unique about your company, to the challenges you need to overcome, to what makes you tick. We uncover the key insights that steer the direction of your mobile web development journey, and ensure that every subsequent step is closely aligned with your vision.

This is where we begin to plot the way forward. We work with you to outline the functionalities, features, and design elements you envision for your mobile application. Through our discussions, we ensure that every aspect of your requirements is well documented and fully understood. This phase forms the foundation of our development process, guiding us toward the realization of your ideal mobile app or digital product.

This is where we transform your project’s requirements into a comprehensive plan. Drawing on the insights gathered during the discovery and requirements gathering phases, we craft a detailed proposal that outlines the scope, timeline, and cost of your project. Our proposal serves as a roadmap, allowing you to visualize the entire development journey and make informed decisions.

This is where things really get going — technically speaking. Our experts design a robust and scalable framework that will form the backbone of your application. This phase involves crucial decisions on technology stack, data flow, and system integration. Once the architecture is in place, we officially kick-off the project, and our teams join forces to make our detailed plan a reality.

This is where we get down to the details — the ones and zeroes. With our architectural framework in hand, we embark on the coding and programming part of things. Through iterative development and tight feedback loops, we develop your app according to the highest standards and industry best practices. But this isn’t just coloring in the lines: our agility allows us to accommodate any changes that may be needed along the way.


What we do goes beyond the edges of the screen

Personalized Solutions

We’re not a cookie-cutter operation. The mobile apps we make are 100% you, from start to finish. Your needs, your coals, your wildest ideas — we soak it all in. By taking time to understand what makes your business tick, we weave your vision into every aspect of the work we do together.

Empowering Collaboration

You talk, we listen. Nothing is more important to us than bringing your vision to life. The development process is a constant back-and-forth, an explosion of ideas — your dream, our tech expertise, and one incredible partnership.

Responsive Support

Our team gets up as early as you do, and stays up just as late. We’re here for you every step of the way, providing all the necessary support to ensure a smooth journey from concept to launch and beyond.

Positive Impact

By choosing us, you contribute to making a difference. We are committed to local solutions and ethical practices. We believe in creating technology for good, supporting worthy causes, and building a more worthwhile future together.

Languages & Frameworks

We have all the right tools to get your vision up and soaring

CEO, Co-Founder

Erika, known as the champion of innovation and a curious strategist at heart, is a force to be reckoned with in the world of business development and digital transformation.In the past, Erika worked as an Executive & Board Member at major companies and startups in Tech, Fintech, Telco & Media industries, where she successfully led the Strategy & Business Development divisions. She has also co-founded the largest Innovation & Tech Festival in Baltics, LOGIN. Furthermore, she is an active member of the Lithuanian Tech community, serving as the ambassador of the WomenGoTech mentorship initiative and the board member of Fintech Hub LT.

Darius Liubinas


Darius is the IT transformation professional and self-described geek with a strong set of technical and interpersonal skills—a killer combination that has bolstered his success over the last ten years. Through years of international work experience, he has managed diverse teams and completed complex assignments in such areas as IT development, organizational change management, and big infrastructure and network development projects. Over his career of more than 15 years in telecommunications and Fintech industries, Darius has transformed big enterprise companies and led enormous business projects in Nordics and Europe. His sharp eye for detail and his dogged pursuit of the most efficient solutions possible have made him into thes keen and reliable tech industry leader that he is.

Edvardas Maslauskas

Head of Technology, Co-Founder

Edvardas is always ahead of the curve when it comes to delivering high-quality digital solutions and products. He has a vast knowledge of various technologies and platforms and a proven track record of leading complex enterprise-level mobile software development projects, while overseeing the whole SDLC process. In addition to his passion for all things tech, he also excels in leading teams, managing relationships, and supporting tech product development. He has led numerous multicultural teams developing products for Fintech companies in the area of AI and Machine learning , earning himself a well-deserved reputation as a mobile technology leader and the go-to person when it comes to digital transformation.