deverium Co-founder and CEO Recognized for nurturing growth of the Fintech Sector

deverium co-founder and CEO Erika Maslauskaite, who is also a Board Member of Fintech Hub LT, has been recognized for her role in fostering the growth of the Fintech community, illustrating significant progress towards gender equality in Lithuania’s financial technology sector. Alongside other accomplished women like Head of Fintech Hub LT Vaiva Amule and the first Lithuanian ambassador in the European Women Payments Network Asta Grigaityte, Erika’s leadership sets a powerful example. Their achievements, celebrated at the Lithuanian Fintech Awards and in roles within the European Women Payments Network, are pivotal in driving increased female representation and empowerment across fintech. 

The number of women leaders in various industries, including fintech and IT, although growing, remain scarce. With fewer female managers in leadership positions, women are less likely to apply for C-level positions. But despite some progress, the gender pay gap remains a significant issue most pronounced in financial and insurance companies, including those of the fintech sector. 

The recognition of the groundbreaking work of Erika Maslauskaite and her colleagues signifies positive developments for the industry, bolstered by a commitment to fostering diversity and equal opportunities. Gender diversity and inclusion should be a top priority for various companies in Europe and beyond. Companies with diverse workforces tend to perform better, are more innovative, and have higher employee satisfaction rates.

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Our work would be nothing without the diverse, enriching tech and creative communities

CEO, Co-Founder

Erika, known as the champion of innovation and a curious strategist at heart, is a force to be reckoned with in the world of business development and digital transformation.In the past, Erika worked as an Executive & Board Member at major companies and startups in Tech, Fintech, Telco & Media industries, where she successfully led the Strategy & Business Development divisions. She has also co-founded the largest Innovation & Tech Festival in Baltics, LOGIN. Furthermore, she is an active member of the Lithuanian Tech community, serving as the ambassador of the WomenGoTech mentorship initiative and the board member of Fintech Hub LT.

Darius Liubinas


Darius is the IT transformation professional and self-described geek with a strong set of technical and interpersonal skills—a killer combination that has bolstered his success over the last ten years. Through years of international work experience, he has managed diverse teams and completed complex assignments in such areas as IT development, organizational change management, and big infrastructure and network development projects. Over his career of more than 15 years in telecommunications and Fintech industries, Darius has transformed big enterprise companies and led enormous business projects in Nordics and Europe. His sharp eye for detail and his dogged pursuit of the most efficient solutions possible have made him into thes keen and reliable tech industry leader that he is.

Edvardas Maslauskas

Head of Technology, Co-Founder

Edvardas is always ahead of the curve when it comes to delivering high-quality digital solutions and products. He has a vast knowledge of various technologies and platforms and a proven track record of leading complex enterprise-level mobile software development projects, while overseeing the whole SDLC process. In addition to his passion for all things tech, he also excels in leading teams, managing relationships, and supporting tech product development. He has led numerous multicultural teams developing products for Fintech companies in the area of AI and Machine learning , earning himself a well-deserved reputation as a mobile technology leader and the go-to person when it comes to digital transformation.