A Lasting Echo: Snapsounds Says Farewell with an Epic Collaboration

In early 2009, composer Domas Strupinskas, cinematographer Narvydas Naujalis, and sound engineer Tomas Verbaitis conceived a simple yet remarkable idea – Snapsounds.

The audiovisual project merged their passion for art and technology when documenting live music performances.

Snapsounds carefully curated a selection of artists, seeking out those who exhibited a genuine connection with their craft. Each performance brought a unique flavour to the project, showcasing the variety of Lithuania’s alternative music scene. After over a decade of devoted work, Snapsounds has decided to lay the project to rest, leaving a lasting legacy—an exquisite collection of captured performances.


2018-11-24 session: PKVK

2010-06-06 session: Banda Dzeta

Art and Tech Combine to Encapsulate a Legacy

Before taking their bow, Snapsounds has one last project in the works: a vinyl anthology that charts their journey. In line with the community spirit that kept Snapsounds thriving for so long, this triple vinyl is a collaboration supported by mobile software development company deverium, driven by their dedication to community initiatives that impact art & culture. 

Snapsounds and deverium founders were first united by their shared appreciation for unique vision and talent. They both strive to help those talents around them shine—one through the power of art, one through the power of tech.

“I’m so happy that we’re getting to release this vinyl with support from a tech partner who gets it.

A lot of wheels had to spin together for Snapsounds to have its impact, and deverium understands what that’s like. It might seem like we work in different areas, but really we speak the same language. There’s nothing more important than that. The process of creativity applies to all industries.”

says Domas Strupinskas, Snapsounds co-founder.

2017-05-18 session: Sheep Got Waxed

By collaborating on a vinyl anthology, deverium is helping Snapsounds ensure that the impact of the musical community they created over the last fourteen years will endure for many more.

“There are so many authentic creators in the world whose voices need to be heard,” says Erika Maslauskaite, a co-founder and CEO of deverium, who has followed the Snapsounds project for years. “This collaboration with Snapsounds will be a lasting emblem of the values we share: community, authenticity, creativity, innovation and growth”

"We all want to have a lasting echo, and we’re proud and excited to help Snapsounds shape theirs.”

says Erika Maslauskaite, deverium Co-Founder & CEO

Domas Strupinskas (feat. Twenty Fingers Duo)
Drop D
Domas Strupinskas Band
Domas Strupinskas Band
Make It Real Project
It Could Happen
Banda Dzeta
Šių Naktelį
Banda Dzeta
Strawberry Flavour
Spooky Campfire Stories
Spooky Campfire Stories
Nė Bybio
No Dog Barking
Traffic Trio
Invisible Man
The Dominoes
Domas Strupinskas
Ąžuoliniai Berželiai
Hazy Love
Chung Kran
Juoda Baranka
Lapkričio Dvidešimtosios Orkestras
November 25th
Paulius Kilbauskas & Vygintas Kisevičius
Sheep Got Waxed

Fourteen Years of Passion, Music, and Light

Over the years, Snapsounds produced an impressive collection of 25 music videos, each presenting a vivid visual narrative. With moody imagery and striking cinematography, the team brought musicians’ stories to life.

“The only thing that matters is music. Stripping people from a lot of their own bull**** and having them actually perform their stuff in an environment that welcomes their art – seems like the right way to do it”

says Domas Strupinskas, Snapsounds co-founder.

The project began humbly with a basic photo camera with a filming function, but as time passed, Snapsounds gained access to better equipment through the support of kind-hearted friends & colleagues. This enabled them to improve the quality of their recordings and videos. Until the end, they remained committed to keeping the costs low, staying true to their DIY spirit. 

Cinematographer Narvydas Naujalis cherished the moments between takes, hanging out with musicians and almost becoming part of their bands during the filming process. Snapsounds allowed him to explore the intersection of music and visuals, providing valuable insights into how music can influence camera movement.

Domas Strupinskas remembers when everything clicked during a take: “There’s this magical feeling of a certain pull like we’re all locked in together”. For him, the Snapsounds community was always about a genuine love for music and a desire to explore new ideas rather than popularity-seeking or stats. 

“The only thing that matters is music. Stripping people from a lot of their own bull**** and having them actually perform their stuff in an environment that welcomes their art – seems like the right way to do it”

Tomas Verbaitis says that fun and games were his primary motivation for this project. His favourite moments were “when gut feeling and guesswork turned out to be right”.

2010-12-12 session: SC

With Loving Support and Community

As the years went by, the project experienced its share of challenges. The team often relied on the kindness of others, borrowing equipment and asking for favours to keep their passion-driven endeavour alive. 

In parting, Snapsounds expresses gratitude to all those who supported them throughout their journey and helped to overcome the hurdles and forge ahead. Even as they bid farewell, they eagerly await the creative endeavours of the next generation.

2021-11-18 session: Domas Strupinskas Band

The Story Behind the Sleeve

In a creative collaboration, Creative Director Augustinas Paukštė and designer Domantė Nalivaikaitė embarked on a transformative journey to give life to an album not just through its music but also through designed vinyl cover and packaging. This collaboration with Snapsounds team serves not only to convey the essence of the album but also to narrate its rich project history visually.

The vinyl design features a captivating hero graphic: a bold black square that draws inspiration from the cinematic symbolism of a black screen signifying the end of a film. This deliberate choice serves as a powerful metaphor, encapsulating the essence of conclusion and finality in the project. The sleek, enigmatic black square becomes a visual testament to the culmination of this artistic endeavor, inviting the audience to embrace the profound significance of this moment within the confines of the vinyl cover.

When the vinyl is in hand – another layer of subtle hints unfold. Opening it reveals an infographic-style chronicle, a visual timeline that meticulously documents the extensive history of the project. The design isn’t merely a static representation but a dynamic reflection of the album’s evolution, variety, and progress in sound. 

“We aimed to craft an immersive visual narrative that mirrors the rich history and sonic tapestry of the project—a chronicle that invites the audience to feel the pulse of every beat.”

says Augustinas Paukštė, Creative Director & Co-founder  of creative studio andstudio.

Beyond being a sonic endeavor, this project transforms into a visual spectacle. The infographics within are inspired by montage techniques, creating a seamless bridge between the auditory and the visual. In the words of Augustinas Paukštė, ‘We aimed to craft an immersive visual narrative that mirrors the rich history and sonic tapestry of the project—a chronicle that invites the audience to feel the pulse of every beat.”

Immersed in the essence of underground recording spaces, the album radiates a moody ambiance. The majority of the recordings were birthed in environments echoing the very spirit of the music. The design reflects this sentiment, drawing listeners into the immersive experience of the album.

Outro: A Farewell Etched in Vinyl

Snapsounds brings its musical odyssey to a close with one last testament to the power of authentic, passion-driven creativity: a limited edition vinyl anthology from 2009 to 2022. This triple vinyl is a tribute to the team’s artistry and dedication – a unique take on Lithuania’s alternative music scene.

In the spirit of appreciation for all who made this project a reality, Snapsounds will first gift vinyl records to its valued artists, partners and technical personnel. The remaining anthology copies will be available for purchase, with all proceeds directed towards supporting Ukraine.

The Snapsounds team hopes their anthology will inspire future creators to fearlessly pursue their passions. As they bring their beloved project to an end, Snapsounds remains a lasting influence on the Lithuanian music scene.

2011-03-06 session: No Dog Barking – Nervous

2009-06-13 session: Dykumos – Selfish

Is an initiative launched by deverium to support authentic inventors, talents, and artists from around the globe whose work sets out to challenge and re-invent the status quo, reshape social norms, and encourage the power of collaboration with an emphasis on growth. At heart, deverium is a team of passionate developers, designers, and digital enthusiasts who live and breathe mobile. This initiative is a natural extension of their passion for pushing the limits of what digital products can do, to help creators bring about the change they want to see in the world.

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Our work would be nothing without the diverse, enriching tech and creative communities

CEO, Co-Founder

Erika, known as the champion of innovation and a curious strategist at heart, is a force to be reckoned with in the world of business development and digital transformation.In the past, Erika worked as an Executive & Board Member at major companies and startups in Tech, Fintech, Telco & Media industries, where she successfully led the Strategy & Business Development divisions. She has also co-founded the largest Innovation & Tech Festival in Baltics, LOGIN. Furthermore, she is an active member of the Lithuanian Tech community, serving as the ambassador of the WomenGoTech mentorship initiative and the board member of Fintech Hub LT.

Darius Liubinas


Darius is the IT transformation professional and self-described geek with a strong set of technical and interpersonal skills—a killer combination that has bolstered his success over the last ten years. Through years of international work experience, he has managed diverse teams and completed complex assignments in such areas as IT development, organizational change management, and big infrastructure and network development projects. Over his career of more than 15 years in telecommunications and Fintech industries, Darius has transformed big enterprise companies and led enormous business projects in Nordics and Europe. His sharp eye for detail and his dogged pursuit of the most efficient solutions possible have made him into thes keen and reliable tech industry leader that he is.

Edvardas Maslauskas

Head of Technology, Co-Founder

Edvardas is always ahead of the curve when it comes to delivering high-quality digital solutions and products. He has a vast knowledge of various technologies and platforms and a proven track record of leading complex enterprise-level mobile software development projects, while overseeing the whole SDLC process. In addition to his passion for all things tech, he also excels in leading teams, managing relationships, and supporting tech product development. He has led numerous multicultural teams developing products for Fintech companies in the area of AI and Machine learning , earning himself a well-deserved reputation as a mobile technology leader and the go-to person when it comes to digital transformation.